Introduction: From My Heart to Yours.

Ever since I was young, I’ve been fascinated by the make-believe worlds I read about in books. I was a shy kid and often sought refuge in my favorite books.

It should be noted that my first word was “book.” Well, “-ook” to be more specific.

It was almost like, through books and stories, I could step into a world full of endless possibilities. My imagination could run wild. I remember how much I loved hearing stories from my parents, grandparents, and others growing up. I come from a family full of storytellers and a home where nothing is without a good story. We could talk for hours about the stories behind our favorite family recipes or why someone has a certain nickname. Never a dull moment. These stories added color to my world. I eventually became known among my friends for re-telling these stories (much to their dismay, I’m sure - sorry friends!)

When I started dancing, I found a new way to tell stories. This time, without words. It was a brand new sensory experience and it taught me that movement and art have the incredible power to speak to people. The stage became such a vulnerable place where I had both the privilege and the responsibility of telling important stories. 

Flash forward to my final year at UC Irvine where I pursued degrees in both dance performance and literary journalism. I planned to combine my passions for dance and writing and write an original short story and stage a contemporary ballet to match for my undergraduate thesis. Unfortunately, COVID-19 had other plans and I had to leave the project behind. I was heartbroken, but I understood that going into shutdown and quarantine was an extremely necessary step and lives quite literally depended on it (they still do).

During the pandemic, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on almost everything. Some days, the weight of everything felt so heavy, it was hard to continue daily activities as normal. Because life wasn’t and isn’t normal. With the pandemic, rising racial tensions (and the gaslighting that came with them), and the election, myself and others were hurting.

Although I couldn’t see it all, I could feel it. I didn’t always have the words to simply answer “how are you?”

One day, I decided to really reflect on the things that I was missing during this pandemic. Among many things, I found that what I truly missed was being with people, anyone, in a quiet moment and having a heart to heart conversation. There’s a quote from one of my favorite movies Before Sunrise where the main character, Celine, says “If there's any kind of magic in this world it must be in the attempt of understanding someone sharing, something. I know, it's almost impossible to succeed .... but who cares really? The answer must be in the attempt.” I think that this fact is so beautifully put. 

I’m fascinated by others' stories and infatuated with the idea of speaking with people and attempting to understand something that I may be unfamiliar with. Those moments are incredibly special to me and push me to reflect and share my heart with others. This time of reflection has allowed me to lean on these types of heart to heart conversations with my family and friends that have forced me to grow, yet feel so safe, warm, and comforted. During this time of isolation, quarantine, and uncertainty, I have felt grounded in my identity as both a storyteller and a story holder - and these stories come from the heart. 

For me, this blog and writing in general, has allowed me to jump back into what I’ve always done: connect with others through stories, experiences, love, and understanding. I hope to share moments of connection through conversation and writing in this blog while also sharing the stories that make us who we are. In this blog, I’ll share stories and experiences that stir my heart. Whether that be sharing a book that inspired me, or telling a story (of my own or someone else’s), I’m excited to learn more from every moment and share these things I learn. You’ll find these different stories and experiences in these categories: 

  • SHARE ( my own personal stories , short works of fiction, and stories of others based on the question: “what is your story?”)

  • CREATE ( DIY creations of my own and others that may or may not have a story - from recipes to crafts!) 

  • CULTIVATE (reviews, discussions, and reflections on things that have inspired me to grow - books, films, art, etc.)

Welcome to my collection of stories. I hope you enjoy. 

Happy reading, from my heart to yours.  


LIFE: An Intricate Dance.